by Michael DePaoli


Congratulations, Germany!

A thousand years from now (assuming humanity lasts that long), the history books will record that Germany was the eventual winner of World War II. The USA and USSR won the battles on the battlefield, but in the end Germany became the real winner when it consolidated its economic control over the European Union.

The UK did not have the intestinal fortitude to make the EU work, so it has triggered a divorce through Article 50. That leaves Germany as the major power in the EU, with the German banking system and the German manufacturing system being powerful enough to dominate all the other nations in the EU.

Arguably speaking, the old Britain had the greatest and the most powerful empire in the history of the world. The new Britain is just a coward, afraid to compete in an open European market.


At risk

At risk

The Republicans are trying to destroy the Earth. Could someone, anyone, please explain why? (Ed. Note: Because money talks and bullshit walks?)

I have narrowed down the causes of environmental destruction to the following list: 1. Stupidity, 2. Meanness, 3. Suicidal ideation, 4. Satanic influence.

Does anyone have a better explanation? (Ed Note: Because the prophecy of the final scene of The Planet of the Apes needs to come true?)


In this photo, taken from the top of the San Diego Convention Center (Ed. Note: Or higher) in the morning, you see San Diego Bay , and in the distance Coronado Island. Behind me, inside the Convention Center, there are six thousand internal medicine doctors taking continuing medical education classes on how to better treat their patients. The topics range from cardiology, to dermatology, to diabetes, to gastroenterology, to Federal health care regulations. It is all part of the annual convention of the American College of Physicians.

This is not play time. This is not party time. These doctors are really studying.

I am pointing out the commitment and dedication of these doctors because doctors are the people best situated to solve the problems in health care. We need to recognize their effort.(Ed Note: It almost seems mean to bring all of them to San Diego to study; might as well bring them to Fargo, where there are fewer temptations).

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